Obtaining the Compensation You Deserve and Effecting Mass Change
If you’ve been subjected to injury or a company’s unfair or illegal practices, you are almost certainly not alone. There are often many other consumers out there, just like you with the same problem. Class actions can arise in these situations. A Class Action suit allows multiple victims to pool together to fight for their rights and/or fair treatment.
Corporations may have millions of dollars at stake to repair or compensate victims – whether the act was intentional or accidental. In many cases, they’re counting on an individual victim not having the financial resources, time, expertise, etc. to pursue a court case. Our experienced class action lawyers at Bell Law, LLC, however, can help balance those scales and help carry the torch for the victimized consumer.
If you’ve experienced any of the following, you may be a candidate for a Class Action suit:
- An unfair or deceptive act or practice
- Deceptive advertising
- Falsely advertising that a product or service has characteristics which it does not actually have
- Illegal fees or charges
- Illegal debt collection letters
- Employers accessing your credit information without your permission
- Phone calls made to your cell phone without your prior express consent (authorization)
- Harassment or abuse for actions taken as a “corporate whistleblower”
- Injury or death resulting from neglect of safety equipment or housing elements such as heat, water, sewage, mold, etc.
Don’t let yourself be bullied by powerhouse corporations. Put the power of our Kansas City team on your side by Contacting Us today at 816-281-0649.