Military service members give a lot for our country and our freedoms. Our service members should only be concerned with getting home safely and getting the job done correctly. They should not be burdened with worries over their home being foreclosed upon while they are away on active service. The last thing any service member wants is to finally make it home to discover they no longer have a home.
Foreclosure prevention provisions under the SCRA may prevent such a scenario. These laws are designed to protect servicemembers from foreclosure, repossession and other issues regarding property in their absence.
According to, servicemembers may not be foreclosed upon while on active service or for a period of up to one year after they return. Like many other laws, however, these guidelines are not always followed. Failure to follow these laws can put the creditor at risk of fines and other remedies.
What Types Of Property Are Covered?
Foreclosure does not simply refer to homes. Personal property can also be foreclosed upon and includes land, items kept in storage, property used as collateral and more. If you own a home or any of these other types of property, they are likely afforded protection through SCRA. It is imperative, therefore, that you gain a solid understanding of your rights under SCRA so that your property may not be taken while on active military service.
What If I Am In Danger Of Foreclosure?
According to, there are two ways a foreclosure may be carried out. Both of these foreclosure methods, however, require ample notice to the borrower. It is critical, therefore, to read and respond to any notices received from the lender in a timely fashion. The first step in dealing with a problem is knowing if you have one. Understanding your rights under SCRA is a key component of your defense and may save you from significant stress and anxiety.
Although a lot of information is available online, your best bet may be to consult with an attorney who is an expert in SCRA and foreclosure. The attorney can not only provide you with solid legal information but may also be able to tell you if you may receive remedies from the creditor for illegal foreclosure attempts. Give is a call today to learn more or visit us online at Bell Law, LLC. Our representatives are here to help and will be happy to assist you in any way possible.
Do not wait to explore your options. Foreclosures can be a nasty business, and the sooner you get out in front of the problem the better. Learn more about your rights today and prevent a foreclosure.